Dart SDK TargetImplementation

TargetImplementation in the Dart SDK is an abstract class that defines the interface for providing target-specific implementation details for a loader. It links closely with the compiler's context and the specific backend target, ensuring that the loader has all the necessary information and configurations to handle the compiled code for different target environments effectively.

  1. Purpose and Functionality: The primary purpose of TargetImplementation is to provide implementation details specific to a target, as used by a loader. In the context of Dart and compilers in general, a "loader" is typically a component responsible for loading, linking, and possibly executing compiled code. The TargetImplementation class is designed to offer the necessary implementation specifics that a loader would need for a particular target (like web, mobile, server, etc.).

  2. Abstract Class Structure: Being an abstract class, TargetImplementation serves as a base class that can be extended to provide concrete implementation details for different targets. This structure allows for flexible and target-specific behavior while maintaining a consistent interface.

  3. Properties:

    • context (CompilerContext): This property indicates that each TargetImplementation has access to the CompilerContext. This context likely provides necessary compiler state, configurations, and other relevant information required for the implementation details.
    • backendTarget (Target): This property suggests that each TargetImplementation is associated with a specific backend target. The Target class, as previously discussed, encapsulates configurations and settings for different compilation targets. Therefore, TargetImplementation can utilize these settings to provide appropriate implementation details for its associated target.

Type Hierarchy


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